Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific point in the body which improve circulation, allowing nutrients to be transported to areas in need supporting your body’s natural healing process and immunity response.
Dr. Mariana’s treatments are gentle making acupuncture pain free, comfortable and effective.
Why Choose Acupuncture?
Heal Naturally, Feel Better
Relieve Pain Effective for chronic pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps.
Balance Hormones Improves your whole body’s functions from emotions, menstrual and metabolism.
Reduce Stress Calm your mind and body, easing anxiety and depression.
Boost Energy & Wellness Improve sleep, increase vitality and support your body’s natural healing process.
Despite the needles, acupuncture is a comfortable and relaxing treatment.
Most people report better sleep, lower stress levels, better energy, and improved overall sense of wellbeing with regular acupuncture.
A Note on Choosing an Acupuncturist
A licensed acupuncturist attends a 4-year intensive program to learn every facet of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Many people are not aware that chiropractors, physical therapists, and medical doctors may have as little as a weekend course in acupuncture. I encourage everyone to seek care from a thoroughly trained licensed acupuncturist.
If you are not sure if acupuncture is right for you, don’t worry, Dr. Mariana will be happy to answer any and all of your questions.